Five reasons I am not getting my second shot, and five reasons why I am.

Five reasons I am not getting my second covid-19 shot. Five reasons I am getting a second covid-19 shot.

Why I am not getting my second shot.

1. I trust Facebook's propaganda
2. I trust Dr. Fauci
3. Because the government wants me to.
4. Because It won't make a popular YouTube video
5. Because its a social justice issue in California

Reasons Why I am getting my second shot.

1. Five of my friends and family have died
2. I am a co-caretaker of my father who is vulnerable
3. I celebrate my freedom to direct my own path
4. My grandmother told me a story about a pandemic that hit when she were a girl, it killed a lot of people, until they discovered penicillin. She lived to 107 years old. 
5. I believe in making my own medical decisions.

Have an opinion on this topic?  Visit the video on YouTube, Click on the SHOW MORE button for the comments section below the video, and Tell me in the comments section. Have you gotten your first or second shot yet? Why did you get it, or Why do you not want to get it.