From hell to hope - She Lives Desperate

A little hope, when life becomes more than you can carry by yourself.

The pandemic hit like a horrible storm. Governors locked the doors of our places of worship, they put us on house arrest, they closed our businesses, locked our schools, put sick people into our elderly care homes which killed our parents and grandparents, all while breaking their own rules to get haircuts and attend private dinner parties with top health executives. 

They used a crisis to manipulate our communities for social and poltical gain, while many of us fell deeper into dark times.

Many of us lost our jobs, others were forced out of business, our friends and family members died, like a disaster movie we would have previously been willing to have paid to watch.

 We all love those global devastation and near unbelievable stories.

Same this woman, until it was all to real when she lost everything and was ready to end her life. But then something happened that changed her mind, a stranger who brought her back from the edge, despite all that was happening.

She Lives Desperate, is her story.

She Lives Desperate is only available to be viewed directly on YouTube, unfortunately.

Check out this alternative directors cut available exclusively on Utreon called, Alone In The Dark

Anna relives moments of her California pandemic displacement, after Governor, Gavin Newsom's lockdown causes her a mental breakdown, leading to being fired from her Essential Worker hospital administration job and ending up homeless on the streets of Sacramento. (Click to view)