ID Police Product Review 2022

First Impressions of the ID Police Device
A while ago, I started seeing the ID Guard device being sold As-Seen-On-TV, and it seemed like an ideal tool for a small business owner like myself.  I seemed to recall something similar being marketed many years ago, but haven't seen anything like it as an adult until this product came along.

So I decided to buy myself the ID Police device when the opportunity presented itself.

This video is my first impressions and reactions as I put it to a real test on a stack of bank documents and things I needed to block out for my small business.  While I have access to a paper shredder, it takes a bit of effort to move the shredder, plug it in, clean it out and pick up the tiny pieces that fall all over the floor, and then put the shredder back where it goes.  To much effort for the things I needed a bit more security for that were going into the trash. Instead I would grab a pen and start scratching over those papers, and some of them took a long time to black out, because my credit union and bank puts my name, id numbers, etc. in multiple places on both sides.  It was a real hassle too.

Having used it now for several months, I found it to be an easy and quick method to black-out pre-approved credit offers, small business documents, letters and medical prescriptions.

Amazon has them for sale, if you like to shop online.

ID Guard as seen on TV - by RGAP Creative

This is a real scan of what the ID Police looks like on paper.
ID Police (As seen on tv) on paper - by RGAP Creative