Disney is a deviant groomer
I see through the Disney Agenda, and what a great playing position in America to push the grooming and manipulation of children, especially children who come from families with poor education or parents to busy to review what their little kids watch. Got to make those twerking TikTok videos in the kitchen and post in their Facebook groups.
Karey Burke, President of Walt Disney’s general entertainment has promised in a company meeting that nearly half of all Disney characters would either be LGBTQ+ or racial minorities by the end of this year.
I am talking about Florida's bill HB 1557 that prevents sexual topics and gender orientation topics from being taught in schools to kids as young as Pre-K and Kindergarten. It say's, "classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards."
Perverts, Predators, and the media have labeled it the, "Don't say gay" bill. But as others have pointed out, it has nothing to do with the gay agenda, it specifically aims at preventing schools and educators from pushing sexual topics of any kind on little children.

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.
So lets go ahead and get the Catholic Church, Mormon Church and other churches out of the discussion, since that would be the first opposition to what I quoted from the Bible.
I was raised in Southern Baptist Churches and there were predatory pastors and leaders in it too, and if you questioned what was happening, those church leaders ganged up with all those who blindly followed them against you to force you out of the church. Then then were churches I saw it occur in where they simply fired that pastor or leader, and those individuals took a vacation to let things lay low, before getting hired by another clueless church.
That has all come out in the news. The media loves spilling the dirt on religious institutions. I have no problem with that. If a church cannot police itself, then the government needs to. If a church hides, or passes around a known accused predator, then those leaders need to go to prison to have some time to read what the Bible actually says.
We're not talking about Churches, but I'm o.k. with telling a story about two girls I grew up with.
When I was a kid, two girls up the street belonged to a Catholic practicing family. They told me and other kids on the block about times that priests had touched them inappropriately. We were skeptical.
I had never heard of such a thing. I'd never met a priest or a nun. But they did back up each others story, and they really didn't have a reason or need to make it up.
They talked about it quite a bit, and a few times when their parents overheard them telling us, they spanked the heck out of them for speaking out. They were not allowed to go outside, and they had to talk through their bedroom window. Their parents told them not to talk to us. We were not doing anything other than listening and asking questions like all kids would.
It was not just one time, it was many times over many years. Their parents were very strict Catholics and refused to hear such things. I do not remember if it was occurring at the Catholic school they attended or some kind of private interaction with priests. It didn't really matter, it just mattered that it was happening.
In hindsight, I never forgot their claims and stories, and when all the exposure of the Catholic church came into open a few years ago, it suddenly lent them great creditability.
That being said, I have also seen and heard about similar kinds of things happen at a Baptist church and even a Pentecostal Foursquare church, and it really, really ultimately messed up the kids it happened to. It stole their innocence and normal progression and sent them into twisted deviances, with little or no repercussion for their abuser's.
I have two degrees from a Bible University and attended classes at a famous seminar for a couple of years. Both institutions had individuals who failed in various ways. So I will not attempt to offer a defense or excuse for them, anymore than I can for any other person. Having a religious degree doesn't make you a saint. You don't turn into Jesus and start walking on water. It does help you get a job in a religious career field, but ones relationship with Jesus Christ and repentance of sin is only known to the individual.
Romans 3:23 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"
But that doesn't mean they're safe to be alone with a spouse or child. It just means, everyone is born with sin and only accepting Jesus as your savior and repenting of your sin is going to help. If you believe in something different, then I only have the quote from the Matrix for you when the General in Zion was talking to Morpheus about his beliefs.
If you are offended by cussing, skip watching this Matrix clip.
So it troubles me in 2022, to see The Walt Disney company pushing the same kind of perverted indoctrinations in their movies and films. Now also coming out in full political opposition against the law in Florida specifically meant to help stop grooming, indoctrination and creating unnecessary confusion.
I wrote a review for IMDB about the Disney movie, Christmas Again. It was a pure indoctrination movie. You can read my expanded review here on the Randy Dreammaker website.
It is one thing to be an adult getting your freakiness on with whoever or whatever you want. It's another thing to bring predator grooming into the education system. Anyone denying it, stating otherwise, has a clear agenda to deceive.
I worked with hundreds and hundreds of children as a director, director assistant and mentor for multiple years, including Pre-K to Kindergarten Kids. Never did one express any interest in anything related to sex or related concepts. It simply didn't exist in their realm.
Kids that age are simply to busy playing and observing the world to be worrying about what's between their legs.
Why would any parent trust a Disney President, CEO or otherwise to indoctrinate their little baby boy or girl who hasn't even had time to learn their ABC's.
I am posting my personal story publicly for the first time.
In 7th grade I had an overtly flamboyant male teacher named Mr. Feil. That was his real name and it suited him well. Probably should have spelled it "FAIL". I'm not sure I spelled it correctly and I am assuming he's more than likely already dead.It was during a time here in Los Angeles County when they forced 7th grade to remain back at the elementary schools with the 4th through 6th graders.
That alone was enough to make me annoyed and angry. I was more ready to leave that school than anything I have ever wanted to leave. (Sorry previous girlfriend, but you were not as bad as Mr. Feil) So making me stay there one more year was already a nightmare in the making.
Mr. Feil was new to the school. The school had brought in around twenty portable bungalow classrooms that took up all of the asphalt areas of the campus. It was a normal elementary school and not designed to accommodate the returning students, new students from third grade schools and students from other local schools that didn't have the yard space to accommodate the bungalows.
Mr. Feil was heavily engaged in discussing AID's awareness, he loved broadway showtunes and had a massive record collection in the room, he was into showgirl kick dances and frequently demonstrated how high he could kick dance. If I met him in 2022 and saw he doing what he did then, I'd probably think he sidelined as a drag queen. Never seen another man able to kick that high before; none of those things were bad, but they were not very common attributes for men at the time.
Over the course of the year, Mr. Feil gave special attention to me and another guy in class named Clyde (Not his real name). Clyde was an outcast, at least in part because the other boys were worried about his femininity. I on the other hand was a nerdy conservative misfit.
At first I really liked Mr. Feil, I come from a family where I didn't receive a lot of attention from my father, and Mr. Feil was kind of fun though unusual. He even asked me and Clyde to stay after school to listen to music with him and talk.
Hey, I was in 7th grade and no adult had ever wanted to talk or listen to me before, so it was like having a big flamboyant brother.
Over time, as I brought up Mr. Feil at home my mom began to become concerned, she thought it odd that a grown adult man would be paying so much attention to me and want to hang out after school. She suggested Mr. Feil might be gay. (Not the word she used at that time) I didn't know what she was talking about anyway until she explained what it meant. I was offended, I defended him. But over the next few weeks, I started looking for signs of what my mom suggested. They were everywhere.
Keep in mind the whole woke LGBT+ thing hadn't occurred yet.
Mr. Feil had kept wanting me to go into a large closet-supply room inside of the classroom to "Help him get something", or "I want to show you something Randy".
I always said, No, even before my mom had clued me in. There was an odd and uncomfortable vibe about him" Like how I would feel if a stranger accidently saw me nude as a kid.
By the middle of the year, this other kid Clyde began going into the closet-supply room with him during class. He had also been staying after school to hang out with Mr. Feil, even after I had warned Clyde and my mom shutdown my staying after school.
Once in the closet-supply room together, Mr. Feil would shut the door, turn on his record player with some music and they'd be in there up to fifteen to twenty minutes.
This began after school, but then it started happening sometimes during school.
All the other kids were already calling him gay by then, and now were calling Clyde gay too.
I do not remember Clyde's whole background story, but in retrospect, it seems he may have been violated by an adult before Mr. Feil too. We just didn't think about or talk about things like that, whether it was happening or not. We were kids.
I spent the second half of the year doing everything I could to avoid Mr. Feil and I did a really good job at it. But he confronted me several times from the balcony of the bungalow as I walked past during recess, so I pretty much spent my time on the opposite side of campus.
In class I began sitting with the tough kids who didn't like him, because he'd avoid them.
I survived 7th grade and was finally on my way to Junior High. No more Mr. Feil, no more uncomfortable interactions, no more confrontations, no more Clyde, no more closets.
Junior High was here and I got to pick the classes and teachers I would have. I was so happy. When I arrived on campus and went to my math class, the teacher told me I was in the wrong class. My new class was down the hall and on the opposite side.
I was concerned because I had heard really great things about the Math teacher I had chosen and they didn't tell me who this new teacher was.
I opened the classroom door, walked in, and Mr. Feil was sitting at the desk. Not only that, but he had chosen the only classroom on campus that had a built in supply closet at the new school. None of the other teachers wanted that classroom.
There I was in a new school, in a new grade and Mr. Feil had found a way to get me moved into his math class.
I avoided him and ignored him as much as possible, but just like in 7th grade he began doing the same thing there too, asking me to go into the closet with him, and having another kid go into the closet with him.
The more I said No, the more persistent and aggressive he became. Fortunately, because I had multiple class rooms in a day, I could escape.
One day however, I was feeling sick to my stomach from having to deal with this grown man hounding me. It was on the test before the final test. I convinced my mom to keep me home. The following Monday I went back to school and asked to take a make up test. Mr. Feil told me "No". He straight out told me he wasn't going to let me do a make up test and was going to fail me so I would be back in his classroom again.
At the same time, there was a different kid who had missed almost everyday of class. He showed up to take most of the tests and failed or scored a (D). He had missed the same test and Mr. Feil let him take a make up test.
A lot of the other students had missed a bunch of tests during the year and he passed them all.
A few weeks later, I received a (F) in his class despite having high grades all year.
My counselor and dean refused to investigate or do anything helpful.
The guy who went into the closet with Mr. Feil received an (A) despite failing his tests all year.
When I confronted the Mr. Feil and asked him why he failed me but passed everyone else, he said in a way that made me feel like puking; "I like you Randy, you're a nice boy, I enjoy having you in my class room, I want you here with me for another semester."
I was livid!
I complained to my parents, then to the dean, then to the principal and they turned the blame on me.
I don't know exactly what Mr. Feil had told them when they asked him about it, I do recall the Dean and Principal suggesting that Mr. Feil suggested I had been disruptive, uncooperative and didn't show up for the makeup test.
I was so angry at my parents; they sided with the school and refused to fight for me.
The last semester began, I signed up for a different teacher and class again, and was instead placed back into Mr. Feil's class. I was unable to get it reversed.
I loathed Mr. Feil for what he had pulled off. I spited him so much. I became everything he had previously told me that he hated about the kids he had passed the previous semester. I made it my purpose to become like venom to him.
I sat in a group of kids who hated him and messed with him when he came near. I never missed another test, went to school sick, nor gave any excuse to keep me back in seventh grade, because he made it clear he would do it again.
I can't recall anyone else in my life who I felt so ripped off by. Sure there have been other bullies over time, abusers, mean people, but no one else that I loathed or hated.
Mr. Feil was a predatory homosexual pedophile stalking his prey in the school system. To say otherwise would be fake.
Had I been allowed by the government, state, educational department to be groomed or prepped from Kindergarten to third grade during school like Disney and others want, I'd have ended up like Clyde.
I hope Clyde is doing well here in the future. He didn't deserve it. He wasn't oriented for it. He was groomed for it without anyone like my mom to call it out for what it was; a 30 something year old man in a position of authority, soliciting and molesting eleven year old boys inside a school closet.
Disney announced in the meeting exposed by the whistleblower that it intends to groom kids with its animation, movies and other influences to be ready for men or women like Mr. Feil. I admit it's difficult to escape the influence of Disney. My nieces in pre-k and Kindergarten have Disney princess clothing, coloring books, CARS movie toys, even their bedding is Disney.
They have never been to Disneyland or Disneyworld due to the pandemic and their ages, but its a shame that they are already indoctrinated into the Disney culture and cultural propaganda.
Mr. Feil was one of two predator teachers I've encountered. The Florida law that Disney has taken political aim at is meant to prevent kids like me from being indoctrinated, groomed or even violated by the Mr. Feil's awaiting them in the educational system.
Mr. Feil being gay isn't the point, because there were "Straight" teachers violating kids in school too. There were adult women violating young boys and girls.
Even though my faith in God, my parents teaching me about God's design for men and women in marriage, and my mom hearing what I was talking about and stepping in to make me aware of what Mr. Feil was trying to do to me protected me, my psyche was tainted fifty percent of my life.
I lived in fear of using public restrooms around men as a child into part of my adulthood, I couldn't shower in high school or college around other men, any situation that might put me into a place of vulnerability I avoided.
My story is not extreme, it is exactly what Florida's bill HB 1557 helps prevent happening during K-3rd. It say's, "classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards."
Why talk about my experience now?
I'm older now, I'm secure in who I am, my mom has passed away so talking about this experience is not going to upset her, my father is old and probably doesn't remember much about it, and the LGBTQ culture has had their opportunity to speak their mind. It seems like a good time for those of us who have had to be silent all these years as a result of actions of the LGBTQ culture gets a chance to talk about what they did or tried to do to us, how their choices impacted our futures and those we grew up with. That doesn't make us homophobic, it makes us homo-smarted. You can blow smoke all over the culture, social and political spectrum, but you can't blow smoke over those of us victimized by your deviances who escaped the seeds of your sin.
Have I forgiven Mr. Feil? Yes.
Forgotten, Never.
If you love your kids, you'll protect them. You'll let them figure out their gender, their sexual interests on their own.
Man up, Woman up, Stand up to predatory corporate sponsors, political and social agendas. Stand up against child grooming in your elementary school, your church, the boys and girls organizations, after school programs, baby sitters, family members, neighbors. Listen and watch for anything unusual being talked about by your child. Protect them. Don't let Disney, the school board or the Mr. Feil in your child's future, take them into the supply closet, shut the door and turn on the music.